The Latest Iteration of “As A Service”

The Latest Iteration of "As A Service"

For several years now, software as a service (SaaS) has been a popular way for companies to keep technology costs down. Robotics as a service (RaaS) is also catching on, and now cybersecurity companies are getting on board with a similar model. In light of growing concerns surrounding cybersecurity, this can be an affordable and important way to protect your data.

The fastest growing segment of cybersecurity as a service (CSaaS) is known as managed detection and response services (MDR). From a remote location, cybersecurity companies manage for their clients the tasks of detection, investigation, and analysis of potential threats. One of the big advantages to the model is the rapid response time that MDR can provide, potentially saving clients major loss through mitigation and containment. This might look like removing malware before it can do damage. All in all, response time can usually take place within about 20 minutes. While MDR cannot handle patching and vulnerability management, it is a good first step in outsourcing cybersecurity.