CEOS More On Top of SCM

CEOS More On Top of SCM

It wasn’t long ago that the c-suite overlooked supply chain management. It was one of those areas that fell lower down an operation’s hierarchy, seemingly functioning on its own without much attention. That’s changed in recent years, however, and today’s CEOs/top executives are paying closer attention.

With a realization that supply chain management is critical to success, CEOs are now monitoring a variety of key activities. Expect them to have eyes on freight prices, for instance, adding their input on how logistics strategy should adjust alongside those rates. They also are turning their eyes toward strategies that allow for flexibility, as the past few years have taught them the importance of being able to pivot when needed. Top management will also look to diversify sources, learning that too many eggs in one basket can result in shortages. Finally, CEOs will use data-driven tools to remain in the know and navigate supply chain challenges now and in the future.