Robots As A Service (RaaS)

Robots As A Service (RaaS)

You’re more than likely familiar with the software as a service (SaaS) model, a pay-as-you-go approach to software adoption, and for good reason: it can serve as an affordable method to test out new software tools. As robots become increasingly prevalent in the supply chain, so too is the robots as a service (RaaS) model, for the same reasons. Rather than purchasing expensive, untested new equipment for your facilities, the RaaS option allows you to lease robots through a cloud-based subscription.

The RaaS model not only provides a lower cost of entry and lower risk, but allows for more flexibility and scalability. This makes RaaS particularly attractive for small- and medium-sized operations that often don’t have the budgets to invest in the hardware and software. Because robots in the supply chain often serve to enhance or replace labor, the ROI of an investment can be lengthy, putting them out of reach for these smaller operations. With RaaS’ steady, predictable leasing model, you don’t have to be a large operation to get in on the game. The solution has a few downsides—the inability to customize being one—but RaaS can serve as a good point of entry for the robot curious.

Is RaaS on your radar?