ProMat Is Upon Us

ProMat Is Upon Us

Thanks to the pandemic, ProMat hasn’t gone forward as a live event in several years, but for 2023, the material handling industry’s giant show is on March 20-23 in Chicago. With an exhibit space of more than 500,000 square feet, plus networking, educational sessions, and panels, it can feel overwhelming as a first timer—or even as a veteran who hasn’t been in the conference mode for some time.

A few tips to make the most of your ProMat experience:
• Plan, plan, and plan some more. Have a look at the exhibitors attending—there are more than 1,000—and determine in advance which booths you’d like to visit. Set up a loose schedule and then try to stick to it, allowing wiggle room for unexpected diversions/chats with fellow colleagues.
• Brush up on your networking skills—It’s likely been some time since you’ve had to be “on” all day at a show. Now is a good time to think about who you’d like to connect with, why, and how. Go in ready to socialize, make new connections, and re-connect with old ones.
• Take a few breaks—back to planning your day; schedule in a little downtime in the mornings and afternoons. You’ll be your best professional self if you can make time to recharge your batteries throughout the show.
Are you headed to ProMat?