Growth of Supply Chain Management Degree Programs

Growth of Supply Chain Management Degree Programs

Even a decade ago, degrees in supply chain management were in the minority within business schools around the country. But with the increased focus on supply chain, the programs are getting more attention and recognition. Universities are seeing increased demand for the career track and are responding by adding depth to their existing programs or offering new degree programs in the field. According to Data USA (, in 2020, universities awarded nearly 10,000 undergraduate degrees in logistics, materials, and supply chain management. The number is likely much higher now that the field is on everyone’s radar.

Currently, the institutions awarding the most degrees in logistics, materials, and supply chain management include Michigan State, American Public University, the University of Tennessee, Rutgers University, and Iowa State. Graduates with related degrees can often find immediate, gainful employment. Graduates of the University of Florida’s supply chain management degree, for instance, find starting salaries upward of $65,000. Organizations seeking to fill management positions would be wise to tap into this growing pool of qualified candidates.