
Logistics Advice From Chef Jose Andres

Logistics Advice From Chef Jose Andres

He might seem like the unlikeliest logistics consultant, but in his mission-driven work to provide meals at disaster sites, Chef Jose Andres has a pretty […]

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How AI Can Help With Demand Planning

How AI Can Help With Demand Planning

The supply chain may be settling out after the myriad pandemic-related disruptions, but that doesn’t mean forecasting and demand don’t continue to be important. In […]

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MHI Forms AEC Group

MHI Forms AEC Group

As demand for advanced energy solutions grows in every segment of the supply chain, the Material Handling Industry (MHI) announced the formation of a new […]

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Can AI Assist In The Last Mile

Can AI Assist In The Last Mile

The pandemic has put a spotlight on the shortcomings of long supply chains, as consumer demand well outstripped the ability to get products to customers […]

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Managing The Social Commerce Supply Chain

Managing The Social Commerce Supply Chain

Whether you’re in the retail industry or not, your supply chain is likely feeling some impact from the effect of social media—most specifically social commerce. […]

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Focus On The Last Mile

Focus On The Last Mile

As ecommerce continues to accelerate at a rapid pace, so too is the growth in last-mile delivery. Compound annual growth rate in this sector should […]

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The Modern-Day Truck Driver

The Modern-Day Truck Driver

Stories abound about the nation’s truck-driver shortage–currently estimated at about 80,000 drivers—along with solutions to the problem. The industry desperately needs to recruit and retain […]

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Not a day goes by that supply chain executives aren’t reminded of the importance of technology in today’s supply chain. The need for tech is real—there’s a labor shortage, demand for e-commerce has changed the speed of operations, and partners across the supply chain expect connectivity via these tools. Investment in software, IoT, robotics, scanning technology and more are higher than ever before. Yet, according to a recent PwC survey of more than 300 executives, a full 83 percent say their tech investments are not paying out. The question, however, is whether or not the failure lies with the tech itself or its implementation and use. Quite often, it’s the latter. To avoid that scenario, companies need to spend as much effort in planning for implementation as in the roll out itself. Extensive training needs to be part of the equation as well, upskilling employees so that they are comfortable and capable using the new tools on the floor. Bringing new technology to an operation requires far more than plug and play, and to make the expected gains with the tools available, companies need to focus on the many adjacent steps that go along with new technology purchases.

Supply Chain Execs Disappointed In Tech Investments

Not a day goes by that supply chain executives aren’t reminded of the importance of technology in today’s supply chain. The need for tech is […]

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Changing Sustainability Measurements

Changing Sustainability Measurements

As climate change and sustainability become bigger priorities for companies, there’s a trend change in how to measure and manage related targets. The model of […]

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The Latest Iteration of "As A Service"

The Latest Iteration of “As A Service”

For several years now, software as a service (SaaS) has been a popular way for companies to keep technology costs down. Robotics as a service […]

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CEOS More On Top of SCM

CEOS More On Top of SCM

It wasn’t long ago that the c-suite overlooked supply chain management. It was one of those areas that fell lower down an operation’s hierarchy, seemingly […]

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Adding Mobile Robots? Don't Overlook Your Floors

Adding Mobile Robots? Don’t Overlook Your Floors

As mobile robotics proliferate around the warehousing industry, businesses are reaping the rewards. They lead to greater productivity, enhance your existing labor force, and deliver […]

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New Trucking Bill Welcomed

New Trucking Bill Welcomed

Rare is the day that both parties of Congress, as well as trade organizations, can all line up behind a bill. But with the introduction […]

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Automate The Last 100 Feet of Your DC

Automate The Last 100 Feet of Your DC

Probably one of the most overlooked areas in a warehouse is the final stretch of fulfillment, at least when it comes to automation. Yet this […]

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National Security Driving Supply Chain Mapping

National Security Driving Supply Chain Mapping

As the dust settles following the pandemic era of disruptions, all companies are noticing a paradigm shift: where once supply chain management was an under-the-radar […]

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The State of The Lithium Supply Chain

The State of The Lithium Supply Chain

While there is plenty of talk about EV trucking—and signs that it will become increasingly available—its future is still dependent on a reliable lithium supply […]

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Dubai's International Humanitarian City

Dubai’s International Humanitarian City

As supply chains struggle to get back in balance following the past few years of disruption, the latest issues to arise are harking from the […]

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What Might Be In Short Supply In 2023

What Might Be In Short Supply In 2023

Three years ago, at the start of the pandemic, supply and demand turned upside down. From toilet paper to hand sanitizer, and then home improvement […]

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The Latest On Inventory Management Strategy

The Latest On Inventory Management Strategy

Following the widespread supply chain disruptions of the past few years, many companies are examining their inventory management strategies, especially retailers. While the model of […]

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North American Countries Focus On Supply Chain

North American Countries Focus On Supply Chain

As every region of the world looks to rebound and rebuild supply chain resiliency after the past few years, the United States is partnering with […]

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What Can IoT Sensors Do For You

What Can IoT Sensors Do For You

With the many tech terms flying around in relation to improved supply chain management, it’s common to see companies leap before learning. One of the […]

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What Will A Tesla Semi Mean

What Will A Tesla Semi Mean

It’s been almost five years since Tesla announced its intent to create an EV Class 8 truck, but now it appears on the verge of […]

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The Downside of Technology

The Downside of Technology

We’ve reached the point in supply chain management where software and other technologies are essential for remaining not just competitive, but afloat. Yet all that […]

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Interested In Robotics? Plan for Integration

Interested In Robotics? Plan for Integration

As robots grow in popularity, especially in light of the labor shortage, more companies are getting on board with the idea of adding them to […]

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Supply Chains Are More Complicated Than You Realize

Supply Chains Are More Complicated Than You Realize

A recent study by Harvard Business Review dove into the size and complexity of average supply chains and revealed that supply chains are vast, deep, […]

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Growth of Supply Chain Management Degree Programs

Growth of Supply Chain Management Degree Programs

Even a decade ago, degrees in supply chain management were in the minority within business schools around the country. But with the increased focus on […]

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Managing In A Labor Shortage

Managing In A Labor Shortage

Among the difficulties of managing supply chains over the past few years has been the sizable labor shortage. While technology and robots can help with […]

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Bursting At The Seams

Bursting At The Seams

If you’re a retailer, you are probably facing an inventory glut right now. Last week we focused on optimizing your returns management—and you should—but you […]

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Understanding Mobile Vehicles

Understanding Mobile Vehicles

As the pinch from the labor shortage continues, more facilities are turning to automated vehicles to take the place of, or enhance the work of, […]

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Returns Deserve A Bigger Seat At The Table

Returns Deserve A Bigger Seat At The Table

You’ve probably read the headlines about major retailers and their massive glut of returned inventory. Some are so under water, in fact, that they’re offering […]

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