
Maritime Shipping Disruptions Continue

Maritime Shipping Disruptions Continue

The maritime shipping situation in the Red Sea continues to escalate, and the fallout is becoming a major supply chain disrupter. Houthi rebels continue to […]

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managing inventory

Right-Sizing Inventory

The wild supply chain swings of the past four years have given managers plenty to consider when it comes to managing inventory. Where the just-in-time […]

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White house Council On Supply Chain Resilience: How To Secure The New Government Funding

White house Council On Supply Chain Resilience: How To Secure The New Government Funding

The White House recently announced the creation of its White House Council on Supply Chain Resilience. It promises millions of dollars in investments to strengthen […]

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Team Building Strengthens Supply Chain Organizations

Team Building Strengthens Supply Chain Organizations

Let’s explore the importance of team building in supply chain organizations and explore how it contributes to enhanced productivity, innovation, and overall success. In the […]

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Mobile Robots

Autonomous Mobile Robots: An Integration Checklist

Robotics like autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are becoming increasingly important members of warehousing teams, especially in light of the labor […]

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Food Supply Chain

Strengthening the Food Supply Chain

The food supply chain is a fragile ecosystem. We don’t have to tell you that food prices at the grocery store remain high and that […]

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What are Incoterms? – International Commercial Terms

Incoterms, short for International Commercial Terms, are standardized trade terms used in international commerce to define the rights and responsibilities of buyers and sellers in […]

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Blockchain Technology and Supply Chain Management

Blockchain Technology and Supply Chain Management

Let’s explore the pros and cons of blockchain technology as it relates to the supply chain. The past few years have seen the development and […]

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warehouse vacancy rates

Warehouse Vacancy Rates Remain Low

The average warehouse vacancy rates are sitting at over 5 percent for the first time since before the pandemic. You don’t have to go very […]

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cycle counting program

A Broken Cycle Counting Program Can Kill Productivity

In today’s supply chain, the accuracy of inventory management in the warehouse is paramount. Inventory errors cause stock-outs, delayed shipments, backorders, unnecessary reordering, increased labor […]

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Supply chain management jobs

Supply Chain Management Jobs: What Are Employers Looking For?

Supply chain management jobs are dynamic and essential positions that play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services from manufacturers […]

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Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is Crucial to the Global Supply Chain

Ships are avoiding the Suez Canal and causing major supply chain delays. While the issue began in late 2023, the new year is already feeling […]

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Returns Policies

Returns Policies: Major Shifts Coming in 2024

Free returns policies have been a hallmark of the pandemic, but that practice shrunk some this holiday season. January is the season of returns for […]

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Leveraging Independent Warehouse Design and Implementation Consultants

Leveraging Independent Warehouse Design and Implementation Consultants

Optimizing warehouse design and implementation is a complex endeavor that requires a comprehensive understanding of supply chain dynamics, technology integration, operational efficiency, and risk management. […]

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financial viability of warehouse automation

The Financial Viability of Warehouse Automation: Does It Pay to Automate?

The financial viability of warehouse automation is often obscured by the glitz and glamour of new technologies; but when does it actually pay to automate […]

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supply chain innovation

Supply Chain Innovation: 4 Pillars of Progress

Supply chain innovation is no longer optional for companies that want to compete in an ever-evolving market. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements […]

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Mexico is Near-Shoring Choice of U.S. Corporations

Mexico is Near-Shoring Choice of U.S. Corporations

Mexico is now the top near-shoring destination for U.S. Corporations. Four years after the pandemic began, the trend to onshore or near-shoring continues, all in […]

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Industrial Robots Prove Their Mettle

Industrial Robots Prove Their Mettle

As long as there have been industrial robots, there have been fears they would displace humans. That narrative continues today, but the reality is it’s […]

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Most Googled Topics in Supply Chain Management

The Most Googled Topics in Supply Chain Management

Let’s explore the most Googled topics in supply chain management. In the dynamic landscape of business operations, supply chain management stands as a cornerstone for […]

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speed-limiting device mandates

Speed-Limiting Device Mandates

The feds are currently talking about speed-limiting device mandates but support for these requirements is divided across the industry. There are roughly 13.5 million trucks […]

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attract Gen Z

Ways to attract Gen Z to the blue-collar world

Companies are scrambling for ways to attract Gen Z to the blue-collar world. As the baby boomers retire out of the workforce at a pace […]

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Optimal SKU Slotting

Optimal SKU Slotting Methods for Warehouse Efficiency

SKU slotting is crucial to warehouse efficiency and efficient warehouse management is a critical factor in meeting customer demands, minimizing operational costs, and maintaining a […]

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Cybercrime and the Supply Chain - What to Watch For

Cybercrime and the Supply Chain – What to Watch For

Cybercrime continues to be a looming threat hanging over supply chain operations. Just as the supply chain management industry becomes more digitalized and sophisticated, so […]

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digitalization of the supply chain

Digitalization of the Supply Chain in 2024

The digitalization of the supply chain has taken off since 2020 and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. The end/beginning of the year […]

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Interim Management is Transforming Warehousing Operations

Interim Management is Transforming Warehousing Operations

Interim Management is transforming warehousing operations through experienced project managers and industrial engineers. In the ever-evolving landscape of warehousing operations, startups, changeovers, and triage situations […]

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Preventing Leftover Inventory This Holiday Season

Preventing Leftover Inventory This Holiday Season

At the end of the 2022 holiday season, many media outlets shared photos of warehouses overflowing with returned and leftover inventory. After retailers faced widespread […]

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Supply Chain Post Pandemic

Spotlight is on The Supply Chain Post Pandemic

The spotlight is on the supply chain post pandemic. The pandemic changed many things about supply chain management, some for the better, and some for […]

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SLOB Inventory

Identifying And Eliminating Slow And Obsolete (SLOB) Inventory: A Path To Cost Reduction And Operational Efficiency

In the world of supply chain operations, efficient management of SLOB inventory is paramount to ensuring smooth operations, minimized costs, and optimal customer satisfaction. Slow-moving […]

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EV technology

Are Hydrogen-Powered Rigs An Answer?

There’s so much chatter around EV technology in electric vehicles and trucks that it’s easy to forget other potential power sources that can serve as […]

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Mapping A Global Supply Chain

Mapping A Global Supply Chain

The global supply chain, as we all know, is immense. It connects the private sector, international organizations, public institutions, and even entire nations. With data […]

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