Identify and Source the Needed MHE to Optimize Supply Chain Capacity and Throughput
Subsequent to our facilities planning and operations design work, OPSdesign Consulting can help you specify and source the needed material handling and storage infrastructure to support the optimal warehouse design. We develop generic functional specifications and bid documents and can administer a sealed competitive bid process among vendors of your choice. After you receive and open bids, we can perform a comparative analysis of vendor responses, allowing you to make informed vendor choices.
We start by developing functional requirements documents which detail the quantities, capacities, throughput, dimensional attributes, and other technical characteristics associated with the design scheme. These features are then incorporated into formal bid documents (Request for Proposals) which define the project goals and objectives as well as vendor performance mandates, schedule, and compliance requirements.
Our experienced engineers, analysts, and consultants can administer a sealed bid process on your behalf and perform a comparative analysis among the vendor responses. Our depth of experience allows us to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses which arm our clients with the information needed to make “apples to apples” comparisons (reducing cost and risk).
OPSdesign’s unbiased approach and sealed bid process ensure that the full spectrum of supplier alternatives are examined and that your fiscal interests are protected in the process. As a result, we have worked successfully with numerous vendors in each specialty category (including manufacturers, distributors, value-added resellers, and integrators based on our client’s preferences and the distinctive requirements of their warehouse, distribution, or e-commerce design project.
- 3 and 4D Printing
- Attachments - Trucks & Mobile Equipment
- Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Wearable
- Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems – Crane/Shuttle
- Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems (AS/RSAS/RS (Automatic Storage & Retrieval System) - A compute... More)
- Automatic Identification Products
- Autonomous Fork Trucks
- Autonomous Mobile Robots
- Batteries/Chargers/Motors/Fuel/Alternative Fuel Systems
- Carousels – Vertical, Horizontal
- Casters, Wheels, & Tires
- Cleaning Systems & Equipment
- Cloud Computing and Storage
- Computer Hardware and/or Software
- Containers and Dunnage
- Controls and Controlling Devices
- Conveyors – Pallet
- Conveyors – Case/Tote
- Conveyors – Case/Tote Sorters
- Conveyors – Unit Sorters
- Cranes – Overhead/Jib
- Decking and Flooring - Industrial
- Distribution & Warehousing Software
- Drones/UAVs
- Forklift Trucks, Personnel Carriers
- Hand Lift Trucks, Pallet Jacks, & Carts
- Hoists and Overhead Equipment
- Industrial Fans/Blowers, HVACHVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) – A syst... More, Air Purification
- Integrated Systems and Controls
- Lifting and Positioning Products
- Lift Trucks - Counterbalance
- Lift Trucks – Order Selectors – Order Pickers
- Lift Trucks - Reach and Deep Reach
- Lift Trucks - Swing-Mast (Turret)
- Loading Dock Equipment
- Manifest, Labels and Labeling Devices
- Material Handling and Storage Equipment and Systems
- Mezzanines
- Modular High-Density Drawer Storage
- Monorails and Monorail Systems
- Order Picking and E-Commerce Fulfillment Systems
- Overhead and Below/Hook Equipment (i.e., slings, lifts, magnets)
- Packaging and Unitizing Machinery & Materials
- Pallets and Palletizers
- Pallet Trucks - Powered
- Pallet Trucks - Manual
- Parcel, Freight & Cargo Distribution
- Plant/Facility Equipment and Management
- Protective Guarding
- Racks, Pallet - Single-Selective
- Racks, Pallet - Double-Deep
- Racks, Pallet - Pallet - Push-Back
- Racks, Pallet - Drive-In
- Racks, Pallet - Drive-Through
- Racks, Pallet - Pallet Flow
- Remote Control Equipment
- Robotics
- Safety Equipment & Ergonomics
- Shelving – Industrial
- Shelving – High-Rise
- Shelving - Rack Supported
- Shelving - Wide-Span
- Sortation Equipment
- Sustainable Facility Solutions
- Sustainable Facility/Recycling Equipment
- Systems Integration Services
- Tool Handling and Storage Systems
- Transportation Providers
- Vertical Lift Module
- Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors
- Weighing and Dimensioning Equipment