Among our diverse client base are companies that ship their goods to the world’s major retail organizations such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target, Tesco, IKEA, Metro AG, CVS, Kroger, Costco, Walgreen, Lowes, AS Watson & Co., Carrefour, X5 Retail Group, Bed, Bath & Beyond, etc. As a result, their shipments are subject to the often conflicting terms and conditions of the routing guides published by each of these retailers. OPSdesign helps our clients with vendor/supplier collaboration and compliance analysis. This helps our clients to achieve compliance with the businesses they work with and reduce back-charges to their accounts.
OPSdesign has specific experience in helping clients with vendor/supplier collaboration and compliance analysis. Helping our clients with these issues helps them find the commonality among these requirements minimizing the cost associated with compliance. Moreover, we design flexible, scalable systems capable of addressing the changing requirements of the foreseeable future while steadfastly achieving today’s fill-rates and accuracy mandates. Our work has literally saved our clients millions of dollars in charge-back costs and contributed millions more in the form of increased sales volumes as a result of high service ratios leading to preferred vendor status.
Acting as a conduit or mediator between your sales, marketing, purchasing, operations and compliance departments, we work with your customers in order to meet their requirements and protect your bottom line.