Identify and Source the Optimal IT Systems to Drive Supply Chain Productivity and Control
Choosing the right supply chain information systems to power your supply chain operations is a complex and difficult task, the results of which, your company will have to live with (for better or worse) for years to come. OPSdesign Consulting is experienced with a wide variety of Tier-1 and Tier-2 software applications and has successfully helped our clients define functional requirements, identify candidate vendors, develop short-list, create bid documents, administer a sealed bid process, select vendors, and implement solutions.
OPSdesign Consulting can help you specify and source the needed supply chain information systems to support the optimal process flow. We develop generic functional specifications and bid documents and can administer a sealed competitive bid process among vendors of your choice. After you receive and open bids, we can perform a comparative analysis of vendor responses, allowing you to make informed vendor choices.
We start by developing functional requirements documents which detail the operational characteristics, volumetrics, process/data flow, reporting, and systems interface requirements. These features are then incorporated into formal bid documents (Request for Proposals) which define the project goals and objectives as well as vendor performance mandates, schedule, and compliance requirements.
Our experienced engineers, analysts, and consultants can administer a sealed bid process on your behalf and perform a comparative analysis among the vendor responses. Our depth of experience allows us to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses which arm our clients with the information needed to make “apples to apples” comparisons (reducing cost and risk).
OPSdesign’s unbiased approach and sealed bid process ensure that the full spectrum of supplier alternatives are examined and that your fiscal interests are protected in the process. As a result, we have worked successfully with numerous vendors in each specialty category based on our client’s preferences and the distinctive requirements of their supply chain information systems project.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – Business management s... More)
- Supply Chain Execution System (SCES)
- Logistics Execution System (LES)
- Warehouse Management System (WMSWMS (Warehouse Management System) – Software that manages ... More)
- Warehouse Control System (WCSWCS (Warehouse Control System) – A software application th... More)
- Labor Management System (LMSLMS (Labor Management System) – Software that optimizes fo... More)
- Transportation Management System (TMSTMS (Transportation Management System) – Software used to ... More)
- Customer Relationship Management System (CRMCRM (Customer Relationship Management) – A technology and ... More)
- Order Management System (OMSOMS (Order Management System) – Software that automates an... More)
- Point-Of-Sale (POSPOS (Point of Sale) – A system where retail transactions a... More)
- Local Area Network (LANLAN (Local Area Network) – A network connecting computers ... More) & Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Radio-Frequency Data Transmission (RF)
- Middleware and Web Portals
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning